As I mentioned last week, my Brainiac 5 loving daughter is now past the half-way point of enduring the second annual “Kill Brainy Week”, created and produced by her two best friends at school. Three days down, two more to go. I’ve asked her to type out a little bit about what they’ve done to Brainy each day so far, so for your enjoyment (or horror) here are her descriptions…
Monday – First they took a plastic knife and poked his eyes out. Then they poked a huge hole for his ‘mouth’. After that they ripped the paper in half and stuffed one half into a chicken sandwich bun and stuffed that in a french fry container. Then they began to take more plastic knives and stab the box… =O! It was scary… The other half got wrapped in ham and was thrown away. Brainy Pic!
Tuesday – Ok… today they ripped his head off the picture. Then they shredded the body and stuffed it into their mashed potatoes and corn. It was disturbing… =O! (They called it his grave and then said rest in pieces!) Oh yeah, and the head? They dumped it in honey and stuck it to a dude riding his bicycle on the milk carton. After that they smushed the carton and threw it away… Brainy Pic Again!
Wednesday – Alrighty! =) Today they tore it in half (again). They gave the bottom half of it to my friend and he used it as a napkin. The other half endured worse; they took my empty milk carton and filled it with our lunches, (salsa, chips, milk, sour cream, nacho cheese, etc) Then they put gold fish in it. We usually do this every time we get goldfish and it’s called “Fishie Island”. Except this time they stuck the top half of Brainy into it and crushed it and threw it away… =( !
So there you have it. She talked about Brainy so much, she drove her friends to breaking point. I’ll update once more at the end of the week to let you know how the rest of the week went…
As a bonus for any Legion of Super Heroes / Brainiac 5 fans that stumble on to this post from a search engine, here are a couple shots of her latest Brainy custom figure. It’s a repainted Spiderman Mighty Mugg…
HIIIII!!!!!! I am the co-creator of Kill Brainy Week (KBW) My other friend came up with the idea and we discussed the details together. We had a lot of fun this week killing/mutilating Brainy. FUNNN!!!! I hope next year you who are fans of KBW can celebrate along with us and torture your friends. And those of you who aren’t… too bad! 😀 See you all later (or not.) BYE!
Um, I think that “Kill Brainy Week” is wrong and stuff, but I personally believe that it was VERY WRONG for Moranda to paint Spider Man! PPPPPBBBBBTTTTTTTHHHHH!!!!
The mighty mugg has gotten knocked off my shelf so many times that I think he has a dent in his head!!! oops… Of course… it doesn’t help when your friends “accidentally” kick him off… =O!!!